Thursday, October 6, 2011


“When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better. ” Maya Angelou


It’s the PINK month, which means, it’s breast cancer awareness month. The older I have gotten the more I realize how important preventative steps are in your health. 

One in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer. That's a LOT! Just think, 1 out of 8 of your friends and family that are female could have it.

The thing is Cancer does not care how old you are, what race your are, how much money you make. Cancer is an equal opportunist.

I have noticed it more the older I have gotten, more and more people are dying from cancer, young & old. Even today with Steve Jobs losing his fight with cancer I can't help but be reminded how common it's become. 

I admire the strength I've seen in the cancer survivors.  It's amazing how strong they are just by their attitudes during the process. I admire that. 

Steve Jobs gave an awesome commencement speech that touched on this subject.  Take a look at it, it's worth the watch!

I have had my own scares with abnormal cells with my skin and I am only 24. I realize I am not immune to cancer, in any of it’s many forms but it's so scary when you really realize this can happen to you.  

 I can continue to get checked out for anything and educate myself on how to try to stay one step ahead.  I am thankful to God for my health and I now see how valuable that is. Something you can so easily take for granted.

I found a story that tugged at my heart about a news lady with breast cancer  and so I think it’s something to share in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness. Also, the needed steps when you are being checked for something serious.  How to prepare for those test results...

It's important for ladies to make sure they are checkin' themselves out for breast cancer, but also just all preventative steps for any time of cancer.  Early detection will save your life.  Peace of mind is always better. 

If your feeling inspired or want more information on how to do more preventative steps or to help with this organization to make others more aware you can find more information at:

National Breast Cancer Foundation, INC.

It's IMPORTANT to raise awareness! It will save someones life!


Monday, October 3, 2011

A Weekend Wrap Up

L was off this weekend! He has every other weekend off, so the one's that he isn't working, I totally absorb! I try to do as much as I can with him because those are the rare days we are both off work.

Saturday we started by exploring more of our new town. We are from the Land of Lincoln, so there is a lot of historical places to visit. We both really like history too so it's fun for us. We started with the Old State Capitol Building.

It was kind of cool knowing Abe had been in that same exact spot. Seeing all this history in one room was amazing. This is the room we were in...

That is exactly, according to old seating charts, where Abe sat during meetings. Pretty cool huh? This is the same room thousands of people also came to pay their last respects to this amazing president after he was assassinated.

This is a picture of a replicated room of the real room pictured above it.  If that was confusing just try to read it slow haha. I wasn't sure how to phrase that.

Pretty cool though?

We then did a little stroll through downtown and found a few cute shops. We are waiting for a rainy day to go to the Lincoln Museum. We have heard so many awesome things about it so we can't wait to go!

Saturday we also went to our first "small group" meeting at our new church! We are pretty excited because everyone seems so down to earth & welcoming!

It's great to feel God answering our prayers.  We really are starting to feel more at home here. We are holding up our end of things by getting more out of our comfort zones to meet people but God has definitely open a few doors!

Sunday we went to church & relaxed.  Much needed too! My BIG Test for work is tomorrow so I did a little bit of studying too. I think I am ready for it so wish me Luck!

So, How did your weekend go??


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Note to Self...

Yes, this is my Senior picture. I was 18 years old the summer this picture was taken. It's a little crazy to think that was just 6 years ago. Life has been such a CrAzY adventure since those days.

I think everyone at some point in their life thinks about what they'd tell the 18 year old version of themselves. Sorta the "If I knew then what I know now" deal.

That summer I just started working at Kohl’s Department Store and quit my 5 year job as a “Sandwich Artist” at Subway, HaHa. I was about to start my Senior year & I was graduating early due to my big ambitions on starting College early that January.

I guess at that age anything is possible. I could have gone down so many different paths and really at 18 your options are endless, yet pretty scary.

You don’t get those years back and what if you end up doing something you regret later or worse waste time going to school for something only to find out you really don’t want to do later.

It’s a lot of pressure to figure out who you are and what you want out of life.

If I could go back and talk to myself just give myself a little advise it would probably go a little something like this…

I know you think you have it all figured out right now but really deep down you don’t and ya know… that’s okay. However, don’t let disappointments in life make you feel any less about who you are. Take more pride in yourself, you deserve it.

Some people may not understand you or appreciate you but those aren’t the people that matter in the long run. Don’t be so hard on yourself, your only one person & can only do so much. Spend more time loving you and less time trying to fix things that just don’t want to be fixed.

Try hard at anything you do and do not underestimate your ability to accomplish things. The things that you stress over & keep yourself awake at night about, in 6 years wont mean anything.

Love but keep in mind it’s okay to stay somewhat guarded. People are not perfect, they will let you down. However, It’s up to you how far they drop you.

Don’t waste time holding grudges or being friends with people that are just not good friends. Trust your instincts, 9 times out of 10 your right about them.

Last, just enjoy where you are in life & don’t be in such a rush to get through it. You’ll be fine. Trust me, that’s why I am here today J

P.S. make sure you let the people you care about KNOW it. They might not always be around for you to tell them.


Try not to get so many speeding tickets.. your not in NASCAR J


Me Now

 My looks may have not totally changed but life has totally changed! In a Good way! J

What would say to the 18 year old you?


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Good Book

I have decided to do a good book post every now & then. Mostly when I come across one. So, I figured I'd start with a "help" book that L & I really have enjoyed not only together but as understanding yourself as an individual.

The book has been around for awhile but I figured it's still blog-worthy! It's called, The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman.

It's a New York Times Bestseller so I am sure most of you have heard about it.

I feel the book has powerful message and I like ther testimonies from real people. Like I said though, it has not only helped us as a couple but as individuals as well.

It's helped me understand a little of my past & even what I view Love as. I think understanding yourself is first and foremost before you try to understand anyone else, friends, family or your significant other. Once you have a grasp on who you are it makes understanding other people not as hard and even makes you more appreciative of who other people are.

It covers, of course, the five love languages;

Words of Affirmation

Quality Time

Receiving Gifts

Acts of Service

Physical Touch

The book goes over them in detail & helps you understand what each one really means to people. Then it helps you figure out which two are your primary love language. It's been helpful doing this with L because I had a better understanding of what makes him feel loved & what makes him feel loved is not the same as what makes me feel loved.

See, most people show love the way they feel loved. Which is usually not the same way the other person feels loved. Thus, creating a problem. But as Maya Angelo says, " When you know better, you do better."

L's primary love languages are Words of Affirmation & Physical Touch. Where mine are Quality Time & Acts of Service.

See, before understanding this about each other I would have done things for L or wanted to spend time with him to show him I love him. In the same token L would try to say positive things & hug or kiss me to show me he loves me. The problem is our primary love languages are not the same so our "love tanks" were not as full as they could be.

Now knowing what I do know, I try to remember L needs to hear me say what a great husband he is or give him that extra kiss before work instead of me just picking up the house for him. He also tries to cook dinner for me or go on a date with me instead of just giving me a kiss or hug before bed. That is what really makes him feel loved and what makes me feel loved.

The book was actually a tool our pastor used in our marriage counseling. He explained he and his wife try to read it once a year together and now that it has been exactly one year since L purposed to me, He & I will be re-reading it as well.

I am learning it is important to maintain your marriage just like you would a car. Making sure it's properly maintained and running great.

Are there any books you'd love to rave about or have helped you? Let me know! I am always looking for a great book to read!


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yummy Chicken & Dumplings!

It's officially Fall! That means all the best parts of the year are here! I am a Super Big Fan of chicken & dumpling, so I had to kick off fall with it! 

I found this chicken & dumpling recipe off another blog I read & tried it out. It was amazing & super easy.

Since L is not a fan of veggies I was happy to find something that made both of us happy! He loved it just as much as I did! Plus, My good friend Kris enjoyed it with us!

4-6 boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 tablespoons butter
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1 can chicken broth
1 onion diced (I used half of one)
1 tablespoon dried parsley
4 grands flaky refrigerator biscuits (I used five)

Put the chicken, butter, cream of chicken, chicken broth, parsley and onions in the crock pot and cook on high for four to six hours. Mine only needed five, and probably didn’t even need that much.
As the chicken cooks and gets tender, break it up with a spoon or fork, whatever.
Get your biscuits and cut them into nine pieces. I kind of rolled them into balls to ensure they stayed whole but it’s not necessary. Stir into chicken mixture and cook for another hour.

Try it out yourself! Let me know how it turns out for you! Or if you have an awesome recipe you'd like to share let me know, I am always down for trying new recipes!

P.S. Anyone happen to see the Packers & Bears game yesterday? :-) The Pack looks good this year! GO PACK GO!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

ABC's of Me

Age: 24
ed size: Queen
hore you hate: Laundry. L likes to take clothes out of the dryer and throws them on our bed. Only later to fold them when they are completely wrinkled J Not cool... But I love him anyways.
Dogs: I used to have a mini-dachshund named Maddie. I love her to pieces but due to moving around & some of the apartments not being pet friendly, I had to give her up L L & I want a German Sheppard, as soon as we buy a house that is. I also want a mini dog too, probably a teacup Maltese, they are so stinkin’ cute!
Essential start of your day: It should be breakfast but I always skip that. I’d say my cup of Tea, which is usually Lady Grey.
Favorite color: Blues & Yellows, also my wedding colors J

Gold or silver: I use to always say silver, but gold has been growing on me.. Hmm.. Tie?
Height: 5'7"
Instruments I play (or have played): Well, I played the chimes in 4th grade. Does that count? Haha!
Job title: I am a CSR for an insurance company.. Sorta boring title but the older I’ve gotten the more I think I really like insurance. I am good at it I suppose. I like assessing risk, Haha. I’m strange, I know.
Kids: Not sure what this means exactly... but yes, I want them? haha
Live:  IL but I am from what I call BloNO, IL. I lived in AZ & CA as a kid though. IL is where my family & friends are & that = Home

Mom's name: Bobbi Jo - doesn’t get more southern sounding than that does it? Haha.
Nickname: Ash.. Taylor.. L like’s to call me anything he can think of at the moment that sounds cute but mostly cuddle muffin. Haha! Yes, it’s a combination of the two things he really loves cuddling and eating muffins.
Overnight hospital stays: No, Thank God!
et peeve: hmm.. I think eye contact is important when your talking to someone & common sense.. Which is not very common anymore, sadly enough.
Quote from a movie: I have SO many.... But Shawshank Redemption is one of my top 2 favorite movies of all time, right next to Forrest Gump.
The part where Andy Dufresne is talking to the guys about Hope is one of my favorite parts..

“Here's where it makes the most sense. You need it so you don't forget. Forget that there are places in the world that aren't made out of stone. That there's a...there's a...there's something inside that's yours, that they can't touch. That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you.”

Right or left handed: Right.
Siblings: I have 2 sisters; Jenn & Sarah & 1 brother; Ricky "Rick-Roo". None of us really look a like, however, I've been told when we are all standing side by side you can tell we are related. I am the oldest, then Jenn, Sarah & Ricky is the baby... Poor Ricky. It's gotta be tough being the only boy & the baby. He handles it well though! & he is definitly my favorite brother! Haha!
Time you wake up: Depends on the day. Sometime between 6 and 7.
nderwear: hmm.. I wear it if that’s what you mean? haha. Not sure how to answer this?
Vegetables you dislike: I like veggies. If I had to choose though, it’d be squash. Not a big fan.
What makes you run late: When I can't find my keys. It happens way too much.
X-rays you've had done: Teeth, & Neck. I was in an accident this past March. No worries I am all good!
Yummy food you make: Haha! I can make a mean bowl of cereal! I am not the cook in our family! Seriously though, I can make Stromboli and noodles pretty well.
Zoo animal: I LOVE dolphins but I am not sure that’s a zoo animal. Dang it! Hmm.. Monkeys? Yeah.. Monkeys are cute. I’ll go with that.

Well, that was fun.

Hope you guys learned something new!  What are your ABC's??

Still waiting for L to get home so I can get the pictures of our new place up.  I know your just chompin' at the bit for em'!


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The L Word

Coming from a broken home I struggled with what real LOVE really meant.

I had seen deep, deep hurt between people who said they "loved" each other and I had a high wall up for a long time.

However, deep inside me I wanted to be wrong. I wanted to find something different than what I had seen growing up.

I wanted the love that, in my heart, knew had to be real. Not just something I had seen in the movies or read about. I wanted the real deal.

I knew what I didn’t want in a man more than what I did want in a man.

I had what I referred to as "deal breakers".  If they did "this" it was not worth it, or if they did "that" it was over before it even started. It was really just my "wall" going up everytime.

However, for some reason, I would always end up with someone who would eventually would remind me of why I didn’t trust LOVE to begin with.

I actually had gotten to a point in my life that I was feeling like I would either have to settle for "this" or "that" or just be single forever.  I was becoming convinced LOVE was something that just plain hurt you.

I was done being hurt & done feeling what I thought Love was, so I got out of yet another failed relationship and had my mind set on being single...

...That was not God’s plan for me & I am SO grateful it wasn’t!

I still found myself praying to God about understanding what real love is & even praying for who he might have for me.

Then, he answered my prayers!

Although, it was a painful road, and to be honest, at times was self-induced. It was worth it.

The real Love "L" & I have is what I always wanted needed.

It's not perfect, in fact there are times it's just plain hard.  Everyone tells you that before you get married but you don't really understand it till you're in the thick of it yourself.

We have great days & not so great days but I love him either way. I will always be willing to improve myself & grow with him in our marriage, keeping it Christ Centered.

With God in the center of it we can overcome life’s challenges together

If he asked me to marry him again today, I'd still say Yes!

I do know what it’s like to think Love is just not in the cards for you, but with God, Love was already in the cards.

I just needed to play my hand, with a Christ understanding & not by my own.
